In Theta Delta Chi, we seek out opportunities to engage in our communities. We believe that we all have something to contribute, and we also value the new relationships and perspectives gained in the process. In addition to hosting our eight-week mentorship program BrosUniteD, we regularly volunteer for community service and participate in other Greek philanthropies. Most recently, we have established an ongoing relationship with a local restoration group that allows us to help maintain and improve parks around Seattle.

We are proud of the diversity of our brotherhood and believe that Theta Delta Chi is strengthened by the individuality of each member. We come from many different backgrounds and build friendship through mutual respect, common interests, and shared experiences. Throughout the year we maintain an active social calendar highlighted by sorority exchanges and tailgating and rooting in the Dawg Pack. We also plan a number of out-of-town trips every year. Large groups of brothers regularly attend music festivals, formal retreats, and go camping together. A great perk of living in Theta Delta Chi is that you can always find recruits for your plans, and there are always plans for you to join in on.

Among all of the exciting experiences we will share together as fraternity brothers, none is more important than our education. In Theta Delta Chi, we hold each other to a high academic standard. We look for motivated members who are invested in their future and demonstrate commitment to their coursework and personal improvement. We support our brothers by hosting group studies, arranging mentorships with senior members, and building accountability plans to help with time management. Brothers are also encouraged to take on leadership roles within the house and community, as we believe taking on new responsibilities and challenging your capabilities are valuable supplements to the classroom curriculum.